Monday, June 28, 2010


Hi everyone. Look for notes tommorrow on Chapters 10, 11, and 12. Then next time we meet we will be reviewing hightlights from Chapters 13, 14, and 15.

I hope this study is helping you move closer to God and become more dependent on Him than ever before. In this day and age we need to be actively working on our relationship with God. He will see us through whatever we have to face in life. I pray that you will come to know God more intimately than you ever have and that you will let your light shine brightly in this dark world so those around can see Christ in you. There is everlasting hope in Him.

Will you have a good or poor attitude during times of testing? This will directly impact the outcome of the test.

Remember to praise God in the midst of what is happening and submit to
Him. Warning this will probably not be your initial reaction.

If this is a test from God ask Him to create a clean heart in you and a right
spirit. Do not fear times of testing. God will be with you. This process will
refine you and help prepare you for your future in God.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Seeing What is Right with this Picture

Describe what you think about when you see these images. Now think
about the flip side (what is right with this picture.) Search for the good
in the situation.

Take time to examine the whole situation. Look at all of the details.

This means we have to let go of seeing things through our own tunnel vision.

The children of Israel grumbled and complained while in the desert. How do we respond when we are in the "desert." Is there a lesson we can learn from this story? Do we react similarly when we face challenging circumstances.

Read Psalm 118:23 and Psalm 34:8

Monday, June 7, 2010

Standing in the Line of Fire

If you answer no to these questions you my have willfully put yourself in the line of fire.

When we walk under the umbrella of God's safety we are protected from many dangers in our lives.

If you answered yes to these questions then you know that the enemy
has launched an attack on you. What should you do???

Immediately draw near to God.

Read Exodus 14:13-14

Read page 67. Stormie and her husband (Michael) battled in prayer to
come against the attack of the enemy.

Jehoshaphat reminded people of the good things God has already done.
The people declared their dependence on God.

Read Isaiah 30:29
You can have joy in the midst of what you are facing.

God will put a song in your heart. He is with you, and He will help you stand
against the opposition.

Celebrate the victory before hand. Throw a party. There is power in praise.
Remember there is a light within you no matter how dark it gets.