Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Commands and Promises

John 14:15-16
Jesus said, "If you love me keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you.
John 14:27
Jesus said, "I am leaving you a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid.
As I was reading my devotions for the day, my thoughts turned toward the chapter we have been studying for the last two weeks (Paying Your Light Bill.) The focus of this chapter is on obedience to God and what God expects from us when we are tested and tried.

As I read these verses I was comforted by the Word. I was reminded that God is always with me and my obedience to His commands is a tangible way that I can show God I love Him. He has promised to give me peace of mind and heart. Wow! What an awesome thing to have in the troubled world that we live in. God's Word says that I do not have to be troubled or afraid and if you are His child neither do you.

This week we will be studying Chapter 7 (Standing in the Line of Fire.) Read along with us and come back and visit the blog for highlights of this chapter. Feel free to post your comments about this chapter as well.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Paying the Light Bill

Which excuse will the electric company accept as a reason for not paying your bill.
Which one of these excuses is acceptable in God's eyes for not obeying His commands?

If we are not careful we can get way off course and not even realize it. Then
we will need help to get back on the right path.

Read I Peter 5:8. The devil is roaming about like a roaring lion seeking whom
he may devour. He is sly, sneaky, and dangerous. He is trying to distract you
and lure you off of the right path. He wants you dead.
We can give up certain blessings when we refuse to follow God in obedience.
Example: We may have compromised protection, guidance, and answered

Because of Noah's obedience he and his family were saved from the storm.
They still had to go through the storm, but God provided protection for them
and kept them safe.

Whatever you are passionate about will control your life. Think about things
that could possibly be a false god in your life.

Let the Waters Rise

If you feel you are all alone in the middle of a storm, remember God is with you.... through it all. He will see you through.
Listen to this song by Mikeschair and be encouraged.

"Let the Waters Rise"

Friday, May 7, 2010

Next week's study

For those of you who are reading along with us, next week we will begin studying Chapter 6 "Paying Your Light Bill." This chapter focuses on our obedience to God and what that means for us in our lives. What happens when we obey God? What happens when we choose to walk in disobedience? Tune in next week for class highlights.
Listen to and obey God this week as He speaks to you through His word, music, a minister, or by some other means. He loves you and He has a good plan for your life. You can trust Him. Do not be afraid... He is with you.

Dancing in the Footlights

Can you imagine hiking to the top of this mountain (Half Dome
in Yosemite National Park) in the dark?
Is this something you would be willing to do?
Maps are used to guide us to our destination. The closer we
look at the map the clearer our view is of how we are going to
get to our destination. If we do not get the map out of the glove
box of our vehicle and open it up, it is not going to help us very much.

Much like a map we use on a trip, the Bible is our guide to assist
us as we make our journey through this life. The more we study
this "map" the more familiar we become with it. It helps
to shine light on the path we should take through this life.
If we utilize this resource God has provided for us our path will
be much clearer, and we will have less detours on our journey.
The Bible is our "footlight." It shines light on our path as we walk
God. If we do not have God's Word in our lives it is comparible to
an individual trying to hike up Half Dome in the dark. It is very
dangerous and risky with potential hazards along the way.
The Bible is more than a historical record. It is alive and
relevant to our lives today. Page forty-eight says, "the
key to receiving the full message of God's love letter is to
love God."

The only way to be successful in our Christian walk is to spend
time in God's Word. It is our guide for the journey we are on.
Would you set out on a trip to a foreign country without a map?
God's Word shows us the correct path we should take so we do
not fall into a pit.
Without God's Word in our lives we would be much like a blind
man setting out for a walk without something to guide him.

The Bible is light....our miner's lamp. Would a miner dare enter into
a coal mine without his head lamp? Before entering the mine the
the worker must check his light source to make sure the power supply
for his lamp is fully charged. Read Matthew : 23-31.
Remember when you read God's Word ask Him to speak to you through
His Word.
"Only God's Word in our mind, on our heart, and out of our
lips will burn away the darkness of untruth, and arm us with
a double-edged sword more powerful than any weapon the
opposition can use against us." Stormie Omartian
Remember when you face difficult situations... speak the Word
over that situation. There is power in the Word of God.

Read Romans 15:4

Look up and read Psalm 43:3

"Hunger for God's Word like food. Thirst for it like water.
Soak in it like a jacuzzi. Put it on like a garment. Weave it
into your soul so that it becomes part of the fabric of your
life. When you do, you won't just be trudging up the trail.
You will be dancing in the footlights." Stormie Omartian

Omartiam, Stormie. Just Enough Light for the Step I'm On: Trusting God in the Tough Times. Eugene Ore.: Harvest House, 2008. Print.