Monday, August 16, 2010

Moving Into the Future

Matthew 6:34 Give your entire attention to what
God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up
about what may or may not happen tomorrow.
God will help you deal with whatever hard things
come up when the time comes.
Living in the present doesn’t mean we shouldn’t plan for what’s ahead.

Maintaining a Passion for the Present

It is important for us to learn to walk contentedly
in the light that God provides for us no matter
what place we find ourselves in. We must learn
to lean on Him for guidance, taking one step at
a time following His leading. God’s light is the
boundary of our lives. If we trust Him we can be
content in whatever place we find ourselves in.

If we are constantly thinking about the past or
the future, we will miss the blessing of today.

When we extend His light to others in our dark
times we get lifted up. No matter what God has
called you to you have the opportunity every day
to be a reflection of who He is..

Stepping out of the Past

Biggest hindrance from moving forward is unforgiveness.

• Surrender your past entirely
• Embrace forgiveness
• Hold on to God’s hand
• Accept God’s forgiveness
Forgiveness of yourself and others will liberate you.
When you fully embrace God’s love, forgiveness, and
grace your life will be dramatically changed.

When we allow negative emotions from the past
to control us and rule our minds we will suffer for
it. Recognize your part and take responsibility for
your attitude.

Remember letting go of the past takes time.
Don’t lose hope, just take it one step at a time.
Live in the present and realize we need a new
revelation for each day that is relevant for today.

The way we successfully step out of our past is to
walk in the Spirit.You are walking in the Spirit when….
•the guide of your life is God’s Word.
•you ask God for direction, guidance, and revelation.
•You commit every aspect of your life to prayer.
•You determine each morning to worship God and
set your mind only on the things He has called you to
for the day.

Reaching for God's Hand in the Times of Loss

Walking in the Midst of the Overwhelming

Think about your own personal personal experiences and how you have handled them.
“How should you respond to these situations when they happen in your life?”
When little things pile up we can get overwhelmed. Remember to walk through these relying on God for each step. He will walk you through it.

If you are feeling afraid and do not know why ask God to show you what it means and where it is coming from. It could be that this is God nudging you to pray.

Refuse to be controlled by your fear. Name some different ways we can draw close to God.

Traveling Through the Dark Moments of Relationships

Relationships only work when the Lord is in charge
of them!

Think of the people that God has placed in your
life. What things do you sense that God is working
in you as a result of the people He’s placed in your

Philippians 2:3, 4 Humility is a choice not a feeling!

Surviving Disappointment

Life is unpredictable and full of uncertainties.Often
those we hold closest to our hearts are the ones who
cause us the deepest amount of pain.“ The level of
fulfillment and happiness we experience in our lives
doesn’t depend on other people; it depends on God.”

The Bible says in Micah 7:8 “ When I fall, I will
arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a
light to me.” What makes us love God the most
is His grace. We do not deserve His grace but
He gives it anyway because of His love for us.

The closer we are to a person, the greater the
expectation; the greater the expectation, the greater
the potential for disappointment if that expectation
isn’t met. (Phil 4:19)We get disappointed when we
expect people to do what only God can do. (Psalm 62:5)